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Security Awareness Training

Empower your employees to become their own last line of defense. Huntress’ training episodes, phishing simulations, and reporting are how you can drive superior results.

Huntress is How You Rise Above Being a Cyberattack Statistic

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The highest quality and most sophisticated cybersecurity software can only do so much when attackers are targeting your employees.

Every user plays an important role in protecting themselves and their organization from threats. Achieving optimal security outcomes requires constant awareness, monitoring, and training—cybersecurity software is only as effective as the users it’s protecting.

Huntress Security Awareness Training (SAT) delivers an engaging, memorable series of story-based episodes to transform your security culture. We also include phishing simulations to help your learners practice their new skills, and reports that highlight results. Our training enables users to become more cyber savvy in the fight against bad actors.

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Adapting to New Threats

You can’t anticipate everything that today’s hackers might throw at you. From blatantly obvious gift card scams to more evolved schemes, real threats can’t be boiled down to a single tactic.

Do more to prepare your employees than giving them a boring slideshow they’ll quickly forget. Huntress SAT readies your teams through memorable and engaging, story-based content. These episodes focus on relatable examples of real-world threats so users are ready to identify attacks and respond appropriately.

Our training is designed to work for businesses of any size, and for users at any level of technical expertise. Don’t just bore your teams with training they won’t learn from. Give them the tools they need to protect themselves and do their best work in the long term with Huntress SAT.

security awareness training course thumbnails

Enabling Partners with Powerful Features

Phishing Simulator Easily customize, deliver, and report on phishing programs that train employees and build trust.
Multi-Tenant Support

Currently available for phishing, with more top-level management features and functionality coming soon!

Simplified Billing Our intuitive billing model makes it easy to track subscriptions—no hidden costs or complicated invoices.
Ready to Comply Detailed reporting helps you easily generate and share, so working through audits or compliance needs is a breeze.
Custom Content Bring value as a trusted advisor to your customer base with reusable custom interactive content like video, text, links, and quizzes.

Your Partner In Crime

Meet DeeDee! She’s the child hacker that represents real-world threats that might impact your users—especially when it comes to phishing and social engineering. 

Throughout your employees’ experience with Huntress SAT, DeeDee will stand in as the “real world hacker.” A villain, of sorts, though her intentions throughout the training aren’t to harm, but to challenge your users with realistic attacks they may face.

Whether it’s through phishing simulations, social engineering, physical device security, or more, your employees get to learn all about hacker tactics by watching DeeDee’s mischief.

DeeDee Security Awareness Training

Add Another Level of Expertise with Compliance Training

The streamlined way to create, manage, and deliver compliance training.


NERC CIP compliance training is required for all regulated utilities in North America—we'll help you learn it.

PCI PCI-DSS keeps us all safe when handling cardholder data. Train your employees on the 12 requirements of PCI and how they secure data.
SOC 2 SOC 2 requires SaaS companies to establish a security awareness training program for employees. Create yours with ease.
GDPR EU privacy is critical if you operate within the region. Teach your employees about GDPR regulations in less than 10 minutes.
CIS CIS Control 14 requires a cyber security awareness training program for all your employees—we’ll help you establish one.
HB-3834 Texas’ HB-3834 cyber security regulation requires all state employees complete security awareness training. Start the process with Huntress.
NYDFS 23 NYCRR 500.14
NYDFS 23 NYCRR 500.14 Covered Entities must complete a cyber security awareness training program for all employees. Become compliant in minutes.

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Your Employees For Free

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